2. WORKS
  3. Africa
  4. Support for overseas commercialization of educational business of non-profit organization (Tanzania, 2022)



Support for overseas commercialization of educational business of non-profit organization (Tanzania, 2022)

-Customer industry/scale-

Educational projects (non-profit organizations)

-Customer needs/issues-

  • Although the company has a concept for overseas expansion, it has not been able to incorporate it into a concrete business plan
  • Has not set numerical targets for future business expansion
  • Wants to explore possibilities for collaboration with companies, organizations, etc. for business expansion

-Support contents-

  • Consulting to understand the current status of the business and to materialize the concept
  • Incorporation of the business concept into documents, and fleshing out and elaboration of the contents
  • Concretization of the future vision of the business and consideration of initiatives, achievement targets, and schedule for realization of the vision

-Support period-

About 1 months

-Support results-

  • Completion of a roadmap that shows at a glance the steps and initiatives for commercialization
  • Clarification of various initiatives, timelines, and numerical targets for business expansion
  • Business planning documents (Japanese and English) that concretize the business concept are completed and shared with relevant parties

In any country in the world, education for children is the foundation that supports people’s lives and economies. In particular, the importance of primary education, which is the foundation of learning, needs no explanation. In developing countries, where funds and human resources for primary education are limited, people involved in public and private educational activities are making various efforts to provide children, the future leaders of the world, with more fulfilling educational opportunities.

In this project, we prepared a roadmap that clarified the necessary initiatives, schedule, and numerical targets for the commercialization of the client’s remote learning program in Japan and its implementation in the target countries. We also supported in the preparation and translation of project planning materials to be shared with potential collaborators in Japan and overseas.